
Hi, I’m Nora,
a rhetoric and composition scholar
who studies the connections between culture and technology. My interests are Latinx and Indigenous rhetorics, composition, technical communication, and borderland rhetorics.

My book, The Rhetorical Mediator, is out! Available at Amazon and UP of Colorado.

A woman in a garden on a sunny day

writing: the act of creating composed knowledge (National Council of Teachers of English, “Understanding and Teaching Writing: Guiding Practices“).

rhetoric: the way we negotiate truths (meaning) through the interfaces (relationships) we build between contexts, values, emotions, biases, power dynamics, loyalties, and dispositions (Rivera, The Rhetorical Mediator).

technical communication: communicating through technology OR communicating about technical, specialized topics (Society for Technical Communication, “Defining Technical Communication“).

Technical communication example (More Than Memos)
A Mesoamerican pictographic book
Codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus I on display depicting Mixtec pre-Columbian writing
(Photo taken at the Library of Congress)
A man sitting on the lawn working on a mural at a park
A modern-day tlacuilo working on a mural composition
(Photo taken at Lincoln Park in El Paso, TX)
An old typewriter on display at a museum
A typewriter on display
(Photo taken at the El Paso Museum of History)
Students collaborating on a classroom table
Students writing and using new technology to code data
(Photo taken at a university classroom)

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